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Dive into the emotions and feelings of cosmetics and personal care product experiences and explore how they impact purchasing decisions. How do human senses engage in these experiences, and how can we measure responses qualitatively and quantitatively? Together, these insights can enable the design of better, more consumer-aligned products that resonate with desirable emotions and build stronger brand connectivity.
The health and wellness choices consumers are making are constantly reshaping markets and industries. So, why do they change so much and so often? We reveal factors that impact product purchases and uncover how the healthy consumer profile has changed over time, and future health trends brands can build their future strategies around.
With a whirlwind of changing trends based on changing consumer preferences, it can be difficult to know where to focus new product developments and existing optimizations for the best results for your brand. That’s why it’s crucial for brands to continue to stay ahead of the curve and understand their consumer behaviors and preferences that hold the power to make or break repeat product purchases.
Do you know what your brand tastes like? Simply Good Foods and Curion partnered to explore this question on products in the “better for you” and traditional snack categories.