Curion QDA® is a sophisticated behavioral approach that uses descriptive panels to measure a product’s sensory characteristics by using an everyday consumer language. The panel members use their senses to perceive product similarities and differences.
Curion’s QDA® approach is a 50 year old scientific methodology for descriptive analysis, created by Curion that is only 1 of 2 methodologies within product testing that is recognized by ASTM.

QDA® Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Primary sensory differences between the products based on descriptive analysis are:
- Attribute 1 texture with flavor of attribute 2; attribute 3 and 4 aftertaste represented mostly by Product A and Product C (right side of the map).
- Attribute 5, attribute 6 and attribute 7; attribute 8 and attribute 9 flavor represented mostly by Product C and Product B (top of the map).

Our findings were able to identify key sensory characteristics of the ideal product and product experience.
Identifying delights, challenges and opportunities allowed us to gain insights for product development to use in developing prototypes for the next phase.
While the QSR found that their sandwich delivered well in comparison to competitors regarding sandwich size, several competitive disadvantages were identified including chicken crispiness and breading flavor.
Curion’s QDA® method armed the client with detailed information regarding recipe optimization that will fuel a more competitive product and expand their market share.