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Kelly Garbo Named Vice President of Global Strategy at Curion

In the most recent expansion of rapidly growing insights company Curion, Kelly Garbo joined as Vice President of Global Strategy on January 10, 2022. Kelly’s 13 years of leading sales and strategy at News America/Neptune Retail Solutions blends nurturing growth for hundreds of QSR, CPG, and retail companies and a formidable background in marketing and media. Her unique combination of skills perfectly aligns with Curion’s goals to expand while igniting client success.

Curion’s growth follows its mission to provide comprehensive product narratives encompassing the entirety of the consumer journey, from ideation and innovation to brand messaging and packaging.

“We’re excited to add Kelly to our team, her experience comes at the perfect time, and I am certain in her ability to inspire measurable results that push our strategic initiatives forward in 2022.”

– Sean Bisceglia, CEO of Curion Insights LLC.

Kelly will apply her knack for generating growth and fostering initiative by ensuring Curion’s larger goals for expansion align with client success. Her guidance will create process efficiencies and opportunities within the growth team, from day-to-day operations like sales consultation calls to working to securing brand partnerships and generating millions of dollars of revenue. Kelly’s relational and strategic skills will bridge our internal sales goals with client objectives and continue her track record of delivering profitable growth.

With Kelly’s thought leadership, ambition, and vision applied to the role of VP of Global Strategy, 2022 is looking bright for the insights company.


About Curion:

Curion specializes in delivering impactful insights to the world’s top CPG companies, helping them develop winning, repeatedly purchased products. Curion’s deep data-driven product insights, sensory expertise, and state-of-the-art consumer centers enable them to uncover responses to critical client objectives. With over five decades of experience in the product testing industry, Curion is dedicated to guiding clients with their proprietary XP Xperience Performance platform, connecting brands to consumers at every step. An innovator in the industry, Curion recently developed a groundbreaking benchmarking product testing method, the Curion Score™, which has become a trusted and sought after tool within the industry. As one of the largest product and consumer insights companies in the U.S., Curion has built a reputation for excellence and trust among the world’s leading consumer brands. Curion’s commitment to innovation and expertise, coupled with a passion for delivering actionable insights, makes Curion a valuable partner for companies looking to develop and launch successful products.