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10 Sensory Revelations That Can Reshape Consumer Experiences

At Pangborn 2023, Curion embarked on a sensory journey that not only allowed us to showcase our expertise, but also provided an opportunity to witness the evolution of the sensory science landscape.

As we engaged with fellow professionals, walked the show floor, and presented our insights, it became evident that the world of sensory science is experiencing a dynamic transformation. Beyond our own contributions, the conference served as a platform for discovering emerging trends and movements that are shaping the future of sensory and consumer insights.

From diverse solutions that bridge the gap between data and emotions, to the thoughtful considerations behind product testing with children, these trends signal an industry poised for innovation. As we navigated the conference topics, engaged in thought-provoking discussions, and interacted with industry experts, it became increasingly clear that these trends hold the power to change the way we approach product development, consumer preferences, and brand success.


1. Leveraging Consumer Emotions for Greater Product Success
By acknowledging the impact of consumer emotions on product experiences, brands can strategically use sensory attributes to evoke emotional connections, resulting in lasting brand loyalty. By developing products that stimulate positive emotions, brands can create a deeper connection with consumers, enhancing their overall product experience. Working with sensory experts like Curion can help emphasize the importance of understanding how sensory elements trigger emotional responses, enabling brands to create products that resonate on a deeper level.

2. Catering to Diverse Preferences for Wider Appeal
Recognizing multiple variations in sensory preferences allows brands to create products for a wider range of consumers, expanding their market reach. Customizing products based on diverse preferences opens opportunities to tap into niche markets, ultimately broadening a brand’s customer base. Spotlighting the importance of customization and niche targeting can allow brands to stand out in a crowded market by appealing to a broader spectrum of tastes.

3. Navigating Sensory Insights In A Kid’s World
A different set of considerations comes into play when it comes to product testing with children. Beyond the change in rules, questions, and scales, children’s tastes and preferences are continually evolving and gaining deeper understanding of how they experience products. Mastering the nuances of product testing with children can lead to the development of products that meet the demands of younger audiences.

4. Interpreting Complex Sensory Data with Sensometrics
Sensometrics techniques helps brands capture actionable insights from complex consumer data. Sensometrics provides a structured framework for analyzing detailed sensory data, enabling brands to pinpoint specific attributes that drive consumer liking and behavior. By using advanced and modern statistical approaches, brands can now turn intricate sensory data into actionable insights, guiding product optimizations that strongly resonate with consumer preferences.

5. Sustainability and Resource Efficiency to match Consumer Values
Incorporating sustainability practices aligns products with consumer values, nurturing brand trust and attracting environmentally conscious consumers. By prioritizing sustainability, brands contribute to positive environmental impact while resonating with consumers who seek ethical choices. Product testing and consumer insights surrounding these efforts aligns brands with consumers’ values and uncovers what’s most important to them.

6. Emerging AI Solutions to Unveil Consumer Insights
Emerging methodologies like AI – and its sub-branches like Natural Language Processing (NLP) – allow brands to extract rich insights from online consumer feedback, which can help guide product optimizations. Harnessing these methods helps brands to tap into the wealth of unstructured consumer data available online. Tapping into AI tools allows brands to uncover insights from vast online conversations, enhancing their ability to fine-tune products to meet consumers’ changing preferences.

7. Navigating Cultural Nuances for Global Success
Understanding cultural differences in sensory preferences empowers brands to create products that touch across variety of diverse markets. Product testing to discover cultural variations in taste, aroma, and texture ensures that products align with local sensibilities, leading to increased market acceptance. In this diverse global landscape, there’s a big emphasis on the importance of tailoring sensory experiences to cultural contexts, enhancing a brand’s global reach and consumer engagement.

8.Multisensory Experiences for Enhanced Brand Engagement
Creating products that engage multiple senses offers an immersive experience that leaves a lasting impression on consumers. Brands that consider not only taste, but also visual, auditory, and tactile elements create stronger emotional connections with their consumers. The potential of multisensory marketing is in the spotlight, enabling brands to create memorable experiences that resonate deeply and enhance brand loyalty.

9. Inclusive Design for Consumer-Centric Innovation
Incorporating inclusive design principles ensures that products meet needs for a wider range of consumers, including those with sensory sensitivities or disabilities. By considering diverse needs during product development, brands create products that provide positive experiences for all consumers. This movement emphasizes the importance of creating products that are accessible and enjoyable for everyone, aligning with a consumer-centric approach to innovation.

10. Integrating Deeper Sensory Science and Neuroscience to Elevate Product Design
The synergy between sensory science and neuroscience provides a deep understanding of how our senses shape perceptions. This integration arms brands with with the knowledge to design products that genuinely resonate with consumers, fostering more meaningful and effective sensory experiences. By tapping into the intricate workings of the human brain and its responses to sensory stimuli, brands are empowered to craft experiences that linger in consumers’ memories, driving brand loyalty.


As we absorb and process the lessons from Pangborn 2023, one truth is clear: the sensory landscape is evolving, and so are the opportunities for companies and their brands. These trends are not just observations – they’re invitations to join us in reshaping consumer engagement through sensory innovation. Curion stands ready to lead this journey, armed with insights to create products that forge lasting connections.

Reach out to us, and together we can unlock solutions to crafting products that inspire powerful connections.


About Curion:

Curion specializes in delivering impactful insights to the world’s top CPG companies, helping them develop winning, repeatedly purchased products. Curion’s deep data-driven product insights, sensory expertise, and state-of-the-art consumer centers enable them to uncover responses to critical client objectives. With over five decades of experience in the product testing industry, Curion is dedicated to guiding clients with their proprietary XP Xperience Performance platform, connecting brands to consumers at every step. An innovator in the industry, Curion recently developed a groundbreaking benchmarking product testing method, the Curion Score™, which has become a trusted and sought after tool within the industry. As one of the largest product and consumer insights companies in the U.S., Curion has built a reputation for excellence and trust among the world’s leading consumer brands. Curion’s commitment to innovation and expertise, coupled with a passion for delivering actionable insights, makes Curion a valuable partner for companies looking to develop and launch successful products.